October 11th, 2025
Hour (s)
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VREDESTEIN 20kids betting
in face-to-face mode
So that the children are also part of the party near the Eiffel Tower!
October 11th, 2025
departure time
Start of the 2024m race for 10-13 year olds: 14:45 p.m.
Compote, cookie
Bib to pick up in the village
Finisher medal on arrival
Race t-shirt given to the kids village
Digital Finisher Diploma
Packet/Bib Pick up
Friday 10th October from 12pm in the village
Saturday 11 October from 12 noon at the kids' village
individual registration
Children in solidarity
Every year thanks to the Vredestein 20km de Paris, several thousand euros are donated to our solidarity associations. The Club des Vredestein 20km de Paris association therefore wishes to make children aware of these values of solidarity and hope through these two events. So no stopwatch, it will only be a discovery race to do like the grown-ups and have the joy of running together and above all supporting an association.
On the 15€ of registration for the race, 3€ will be donated to a charity which will be announced very soon.
Each child will receive a medal, a t-shirt and a supply bag. A connected version is also available for children who cannot travel to the village and who will receive their reward at home.
Parental authorization
A signed parental authorization will be required to register your child for Vredestein 20 kids in Paris and you will find a blank template on the link below. You can then download the authorization duly signed during registration so that your file is complete. The Vredestein 20 kids in Paris are a discovery event, no medical certificate is required and no classification will be made.
The course
On the program, two events: 1000m for children aged 6 to 9 (1 lap) and 2024m for children aged 10-13 (2 laps). An event that promises to be supportive and friendly!